Guess who’s back, back again? It’s Olive comin in HOT with a recipe that will truly shake you to your core.
A couple of weeks ago I received the new, Cured Nutrition limited edition Extra Virgin Olive Oil in the mail and just about dropped to my knees. If there’s any combination of things I need more of in my life it’s healthy fats + CBD. I knew I wanted to make something special with this product because it’s honestly one of a kind.

Let me give you an idea of some of the ways I’ve used it in the past week that have taken 5 minutes or less:
– Drizzled on top of Avocado toast
– Mixed into ACV + lemon juice for a salad dressing
– Poured in a bowl and used as a dip for bread
My life is very much centered on balance with a deep love for eating real foods to nourish mind, body + soul. The reason I love Cured Products so much, this EVOO especially, is because it’s a combo of beautifully sourced Arbequina olives and sustainably grown hemp. Local sourcing like that is hard to find, especially with an onslaught of CBD products on the market right now.
Because I clearly feel so passionate about this product, haha, I knew it was my DUTY to make a glorious, gorgeous, glowing cake for you all to cook up at home. It’s the “clean” version of your classic olive oil cake and let me just say, it was a HIT in my house. We polished this baby off in 3 days! I hope you enjoy the recipe and have a wonderful Wednesday!
Citrus Olive Oil Cake

● 1 ½ cups whole wheat flour
● 2 teaspoons baking powder
● ¼ teaspoon salt
● 2 teaspoons citrus zest (I used 1 big grapefruit)
● ¼ cup fresh grapefruit juice
● ½ cup organic granulated sugar
● ¼ cup maple syrup or honey
● ¾ cup plain Icelandic yogurt (0% fat, but full fat works too!)
● 3 pasture raised eggs
● ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
● ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil
● ⅓ cup powdered sugar
● 2 to 3 teaspoons fresh grapefruit juice
● 1 cubed frozen beet (for color)

● Preheat the oven to 350. Butter and flour a loaf pan. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt.
● Pour the sugar and maple syrup into another medium-sized mixing bowl, mix. Grate 2 teaspoons zest from your fresh citrus fruits and add it to the bowl. Rub the zest into the sugar until the sugar takes on fragrance of the citrus.
● Measure out ¾ cup yogurt and squeeze in about ¼ cup citrus juice. Whisk the yogurt and juice, eggs and vanilla into the sugar mixture until well blended.
● Whisk dry into wet. Fold in the oil, making sure it’s all incorporated. Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan and smooth the top.
● Bake the cake for 50 to 55 minutes and let cool.
● To make the glaze, measure the powdered sugar into a small bowl. Whisk in just enough grapefruit juice to make a thick glaze that drizzles easily off your whisk when lifted. Add in frozen cubed beet while mixing to make the glaze a pink color – take the beet out when done and drizzle over a cooled cake!