2/4/20 | Podcast

CC 052: Your Daily Dose



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Joe: [00:01] Alright Cured Collective listeners. It’s been a while since I’ve been here. It’s a pleasure to be back. Missed showing up with you guys. Week after week I was just looking at my phone and it looks like December 9th was the last release of a Cured Collective podcast. Hope you all, of course, had an amazing holiday season in between, Christmas and New Years, and whatever it may be that you celebrate, and are now enjoying the new year thus far. 2020 is a big year. It’s going to be big for us here at Cured. We’ve got a lot of exciting stuff going on. We were just out several weeks ago in the Los Angeles area doing a bunch of demos at Erewhon Market; so those of you that live in the area, please stop in, ask for Cured, go ahead and get yourself some cookie dough there. Our Rise and Zen products will also be found in all Erewhon stores here very soon, so we’re super stoked about that, super stoked about that progress and accomplishment as that’s been something that we’ve been working for a very long time. And definitely have some exciting stuff coming for you guys here in the next several months, some exciting partnerships and educational topic podcasts for you all to be equipped to make the right decisions when you are selecting products that are used for your wellness, your health, and finding your true center. We left off on the Cured regimen for performance, and there’s no better place to pick up than diving into what Cured looks like going forward and why this company is now creating a very clear and forward path in that we want to be able to create products for you guys to spend your entire day with. We want you to come to Cured, we want you to feel equipped to go do the human things that we have to do every single day. If you follow us on Instagram, you have seen our new tagline that is Your Daily Dose, and we’re super excited about that because that’s what it is. It’s your daily dose of Cured. You come to Cured because you need to show up as a human being, you need to be able to focus, you need to be able to sit down to study, to get work done, to go to the gym, and to be in your ultimate aligned flow state self. That’s why we created a product for that. That’s why we created our Rise product and several products that will be coming that live in that perform bucket, that perform lane, that, as human beings, we have to do in our daily practice. It’s part of being a human. Even if we didn’t have to go to work for a living, we still would want to show up in some way. We have our day to day tasks of being a human, and that’s why we created the Rise product.

[03:05] Lion’s mane and cordyceps, medicinal mushrooms, are something that you’ll hear us talking about a lot, and, of course, are the basis of really 3 components that are coming together in our most popular and forward progressing products, the Rise and Zen products, and one that’s going to be coming out in the middle here soon. But really, think about it – what do we need to do as human beings? We need to be able to show up, we need to be able to get the tasks at hand done, we have to be able to perform. And then there are times where we just have to be able to find our center, where we have to take a breather. You know, the day can become a monotonous thing, it can become a heavy thing, it can become a stressful thing, but it’s really important for us to always remember our center, and there are several ways to do it. We talked about breathing practices. We haven’t really talked too much about it, but nutrition practices. How do we balance the day out from one end to the other, and really turn in and find ourselves in our most centered state? We have some really exciting products coming out that are going to be living in this lane here in the next several months and are going to be complimenting our Rise and Zen products very well. We can’t wait to share those with you guys. I’ve been talking about this quite a bit lately, but if you haven’t seen the screening of Fantastic Fungi, you gotta look it up. You gotta go right now, type in Fantastic Fungi, see where it’s playing in theaters near you, and do yourself a favor and go understand a learn about why we are doing what we are doing with the fungi and the mushrooms in our products. These are another component of nature that we firmly believe in so, so much in addition to all the other adaptogenic herbs and the like that you will find in our products. We believe in nature. We believe in fungi, we believe in cannabis, we believe in all of the other herbs out there, and plants out there, that grow naturally in the world that bring us into our true nature as human beings, and that is that we are of nature. That’s really the underlying message and mission of Cured, is understanding that we are. We are of nature, we return to the earth, we are from the earth, we are planet Earth. If you listen to my podcast with my wife, The JoeLo show, we had a great episode on this. I would encourage you to go tune into that for a longer discussion on nature. But, what I really want to put out here is that we need to be able to find ourselves, to find our center, and that’s really our concept of balance. If you are out in the middle of the day and you need that reminder, one of the best things to do is go ahead and take a drop of a tincture to find yourself in that calm state once again.

[06:08] We also have created very, very healthy nutritional products that are great for on-the-go, as I talked about in the beginning of this podcast, are now sold in Erewhon Market. That is our balancing. That is the balance of our day, because we do have extremes. We have the complete, the shut-off, the sleep, the state at night where we go in to recover. But we also have the other aspect of life, is that we have to show up as human beings and perform our daily functions, so understand that. We also understand that there is a center to all of this. This is where we find ourselves, this is where we breathe, this is where the kids have been sent off to school and now we can come in and take care of ourselves, this is where we leave the office for a little bit, we walk around and we ground ourselves, and we breathe and we find our center. That is the balance of life. Then, of course, on the other end, is coming to the end of our day, or the end of an experience, whether it be an intense workout, or it be shutting off at the end of the day when we’re ending our work day, and we’re wrapping things up at night, and going into what we call, you know, the recover piece of being a human. How do we come back, how do we press the reset button to do it all again, to do this human experience again? That is why we have created products that align just in this way. If you look at the Cured products, it’s really looking at things like our topical salve that is so, so great for muscle recovery after an intense workout, or putting it on your chest and helping yourself breathe better at night as you go to lay down, or lie down, for sleep for a restful night, and the reset button. As I said, this is the end, this is the 3rd piece of the triangle that brings you to the daily dose of Cured. We are so excited for this messaging to be coming out into our brand as a whole and for people to start to understand why we really do exist. We create products for all aspects of your day, whether it be on-the-go, at home, to show up, to be a human being, and to be what we are made to be. And through the triangle, or the cycle of the perform-balance-recover, we can show up as human beings, and you can trust in Cured to get you there on the basis of functional mushrooms, adaptogen herbs, and forward thinking cannabinoid products. This is why we are here. This is why we exist. And we thank you for joining our community, because without you all that believe in us and believe in the high-quality products and education and understanding that we put out into this world, we would not exist. 

[09:07] For me, it’s truly a heartfelt message in that I left a corporate career path, a very structured, risk-adverse life, to dive into this path, and my belief in nature and desire to spread a message about the powerful benefits and healing properties of nature, and the fact that we are of nature. This is why Cured exists. This is why we are Your Daily Dose, and we are so excited to be back on the Cured Collective podcast. Thank you all for tuning in to this short episode – this short, but very important episode. Thank you all for coming with us into the future. We’ve got a very exciting episode coming up next week with Danielle Broida from Four Sigmatic, who you have heard on this podcast before. I get out there in the weeds as I love to do, and I thank you for holding that because that is me in my truest form, and piecing together the concept that we shared in the podcast that’s coming next week is, you know, why I do and love to do what I do. I love to think, I love experiments of the mind, and it’s important for me to give that to myself day to day. So, those of you that do tune in this podcast and then next podcast, thank you. I appreciate you sharing it via your social media. Tag myself when you’re listening, tag a guest, tag Cured, and thank you for joining us on this journey. Remember that we are Your Daily Dose, and we are here for you and the reconnection to nature. Thank you all for tuning in… and welcome back to the Cured Collective. 

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